Sunday, May 11, 2014

What is ISO?

ISO is an equally important part of Exposure triangle we have discussed in detail before. After going through the first two elements: Aperture and Shutter Speed, in detail in many posts, we will start working on ISO.

What is ISO?

ISO is the sensitivity of the image sensor towards light.

The lower the number representing the ISO measure is, the lesser the sensitivity is towards the light, and the grains of the image are finer.

Increasing ISO number is usually used in dark places to get higher shutter speed, where you want to capture the action in low light. 

One thing to remember is that the higher your ISO settings are, your image becomes noisier. Normally ISO 100 is considered standard for good shots. 

We'll further discuss how a change in ISO impacts aperture and shutter speed. and what else to consider while choosing ISO speed. Keep tuned!

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