Thursday, May 8, 2014

How Shutter Speed Affects Exposure?

Having gone through the basic introduction on shutter speed, let us today get to know its impact on overall exposure. 

Shutter speed options on your camera will almost be doubled or as you change your settings.  Remember this point, because aperture also doubles the light entering the lens. So it goes like this: when you increase the shutter speed by one stop/measure but decrease the aperture by one stop too, you are back at the same exposure level. The key is to remember exposure is built by combination of three elements, so choose the shutter speed that lets just the right amount of light in, or (if you are being creative with slow speed) gives the desired blur to the image, rest the balance the exposure with the aperture and ISO settings.  We’ll go into more detail on this subject in further posts.

Examples Where to use Fast Shutter Speed:

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